Welcome to Story Xperiential!
Week 1: What if...
We are all storytellers.
"What if..." is a great exercise to get you out of your logical brain space and spark your imagination.
Telling stories takes a great deal of work and requires lots of iterations.
1 hour Livestream
1 hour of Brainstorming
1 hour of Drawing & Writing
1 hour to Create Video
Brainstorm “What if…” ideas to spark possibilities for your story.
Make a simple presentation of your 3 favorite ideas.
Give feedback on 3 submissions.
Here's an Outline of the Program
Week 2: Character
How to create a character the audience cares about.
Who your character is internally vs externally.
What their wants vs needs are. What obstacles, challenges, and emotions they experience.
A Character Arc is the evolution your character goes through during the course of your story.
1 hour Livestream
2 hours of Character Development Exercises
1 hour of Drawing & Writing
1 hour to Create Video
Develop a profile of your story’s main character that presents the following information:
The character's name is: ______
On the outside, they look like: ______
On the inside, they are: ______
What they want most is: ______
What stops them from getting what they want is: ______
What they need to learn is: ______
Week 3: Art
Introduction to Visual Language: Line, Shape, Tone, Color, Space, and Motion.
1 hour Livestream
1 hour of Art Exercises
1-2 hours of Drawing
Roughly sketch your story's character in their world.
Week 4: Outline
Story structure is made up of Major Beats, which are the most important moments in your story that make up Act 1, 2 & 3.
The Theme or Moral is what the character needs to learn by the end of the story.
1 hour Livestream
2-3 hours of Writing
1-2 hours to Create Video
Create an outline of your short story using the Story Spine:
Once upon a time...
Every day...
Until one day...
Because of that...
Because of that...
Because of that...
Until finally...
And ever since then...
The moral of the story is...
Week 5: Act 1
Minor Beats are the series of events that support each Major Beat.
How to use Storyboarding Techniques.
1 hour Livestream
1-2 hours of Writing
1-2 hours of Storyboarding
1-2 hours to Create Video
Flesh out and sketch the Minor Beats of Act 1 in your story.
Week 6: Act 2
How to use Visual Language, Action, and/or Narration to tell your story effectively.
How to use Shot Types to best frame a scene.
1 hour Livestream
1-2 hours of Writing
2-3 hours of Storyboarding
1-3 hours to Create Video
Flesh out and sketch the Minor Beats of Act 2 in your story.
Make a Storyreel of Acts 1 + 2. (reuse your Act 1 from the previous week unless you've made changes)
Weeks 7/8: Act 3
What makes a successful Act 3.
What your protagonist will learn and how they will demonstrate that.
How the world will change and what the audience will feel at the end.
1 hour Livestream
1-2 hours of Writing
2-3 hours of Storyboarding
1-3 hours to Create Video
Flesh out and sketch the Minor Beats of Act 3 in your story.
Create a Storyreel of all three Acts.
Week 9: Editing & Pacing
Learning to manage your time.
How Sound & Music can enhance your Storytelling.
Experience is the best way to improve.
(2 weeks)
1 hour Livestream
1 hour of Writing
3-4 hours of Storyboarding
2-3 hours to Create Video
Fix any remaining issues and finish your final Storyreel for the Exhibition.
Add sound effects and music.(optional)
Final Exhibition
What's Next?
We will continue to give you ongoing access to all the content and galleries in this course.
Share your work widely and continue interacting with our community on the website or join our Discord.
Thank you so much for joining us on this Wonderful Adventure! We wish you well on all your future endeavors!
Exhibition Website
We will create a public Exhibition page with ALL final submissions.
The Awards Ceremony is a 30-minute video which will go live at 5pm PT/8pm ET on Friday, Dec 9th.
All participants who submit a final Storyreel by Friday, Dec 9th will earn a Story Xperiential Certificate of Completion.
How it Works
Users will vote on each other's work to determine User Choice Awards on Dec 4-5th
If you upload later than Dec 3rd, you cannot be considered for User Choice Awards.
We award both Storyreels as well as individuals who give great feedback throughout the program.
Congratulations to our Fall 2022 community -- you did it!
Our new & improved platform opens March 1st, 2023
Come back and bring a friend or two to join you
Important Announcements
For our Fall 2022 participants, thanks for an amazing session!
Share your storyreel & the Exhibition pages with your friends, family & network -- tag storyxperiential when you do!
Your Certificates of Completion are ready. Go to your Progress Report from My Account page and check your download folder.
Please complete our EXIT SURVEY, so we can continue to improve the program. We love hearing from you!
Program Notes
For tips & programs, refer to: resource doc & community resource sheets.
Your Comments & Submissions are accessible on My Account page.
Join our discord to chat with us + your community. Or, post questions to our Community page.
Email us any time at help@storyxperiential.com
EDUCATORS: we have a rubrics, worksheets and faciliator guides here
Every week follows the same pattern:
Livestream, Self-paced work, Upload, Feedback.
(we recommend you block out at least 4-5 hours per week to succeed in this program)
Livestream @ 5pm PST
Submit work in progress
Self-paced work
Submit work in progress
Self-paced work
Submit work in progress
Self-paced work
Give/Receive Feedback
Monday: 1-hour YouTube livestream with Pixar storytellers, 5pm PT/8pm ET (we post recordings)
Tuesday - Thursday: Work independently supported by the weekly content & community
Friday - Sunday: Upload your work in progress to the weekly gallery
Next Monday: Give & receive feedback on peers' work in the weekly gallery
A big welcome to our Alpha School, Hillbrook School, and Summit Schools students joining us in 2023. We're so glad to have you in the program!
If you have any questions or need assistance, we are here for you 24/7 at help@storyxperiential.com.